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Total Record(s) Found: 28
Browse through the Anchorage, State of Alaska Property Appraisal department property listing by either the parcel number, owner, address and/or legal description.
Search through the Anchorage,Alaska Geographical Information System. Also a interactive map or image listing to obtain tax and zoning maps.
Browse through this Anchorage, Alaska website to obtain interactive GIS maps. Then look for property information by either the owner name and/or address.
Browse through the Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska Geographical Information System by interactive map or other detailed query to obtain property maps and information including the owner, address, zoning, legal description, value and also the property ID.
Locate the property records by either choosing the name, street name, subdivision/block/lot, PO box or account number. Information gives mailing address, assessment summary and also the parcel history for all of the owner's property.
Look through the foreclosed properties in the State of Alaska by the borough.
Browse for property info. in the city of Juneau, State of Alaska. This is done by the owner name, address, mailing address, legal description, or any listed previous owner's name.
Find the property records by the name, parcel number, and address.This information gives the owners mailing address, acres, voter district, land value, structure value, legal description, square feet and it also gives the year the parcel was built.
Search through the Kenai Peninsula Borough, the State of Alaska Geographical Info. System by interactive map and/or detailed query to obtain property maps and the information including owner, address, zoning, legal description, value and property ID.
Look at this website to browse the Kenai Peninsula Borough property tax records. Do this by either the name, PIN, mailing address or the property address.
Browse the Geographic Info. System provided by the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, the State of Alaska to find property info. and view interactive maps.
Search and find the Kodiak Island Borough, the State of Alaska property listing. Do this by either the name, street name or legal description to obtain corresponding information, property ID, zoning,value and the tax.
Locate this Kodiak Island Borough, State of Alaska GIS mapping website to find records for property information.
Info. is provided by the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office. Search through the State of Alaska land patent records by thier name. It provides information such as document summary, legal description, and document image.
Browse through the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, the State of Alaska real property query. Do this by either the owner or buyer name, address, subdivision, or tax ID.
Look for Matanuska-Susitna Borough, State of Alaska property information and view the information on interactive GIS maps.
Information is provided by the City of Nome, State of Alaska Assessor. Obtain information for property information by either the name, address, lot, etc.
Information is provided by the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Look through for property records by book and also page numbers.
Information is provided by the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Look through this by statewide or by district for property records by date.
Information is provided by the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Locate by district for property records by document number.
Information is given by the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Locate information for property records by document type and also the date.
Information is given by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Look up by either statewide or by district for property records by the owner name.
Information is provided by the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Locate by statewide or by district for property records by plat number.
View the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Find by statewide or by district for property records by section, township, range, and meridian.
View the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Browse by statewide or by district for property records by subdivision name.
View the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Browse the statewide or by district for property records for subdivisions without plat.
To obtain information for the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Recorders Office. Locate by statewide or by district for property records by survey number, lot, block, or tract.
Use this Geographic Information System from the city/borough of Sitka, State of Alaska to locate parcel information by address or owner and view interactive maps.